Canine Health Issues Affecting The Shih Tzu
The articles in this section will bring to light major health issues
affecting the Shih Tzu breed and closely related breeds like the Lhasa
The articles contained within this section are the full responsibility
of the authors and the groups they represent. Shih Tzu Rescue of
Central WI is not responsible for any content found within these
articles. These articles are presented as a source of information
and should be used in concert with your own personal Veterinarian.
We invite you to browse these articles and enlighten yourselves on the
health issues affecting the Shih Tzu breed.
Brachiocephalic dogs
Brachiocephalic dogs have shortened noses and very prominent eyes due
to shallow orbits-- the bony socket that surrounds the eye.
Keratoconjuctivitis Sicca
Keratoconjuctivitis Sicca, also known as KCS or "dry eye." In this
particular condition, the eye does not produce a sufficient amount of
the amount of aqueous (watery) portion of the tears to keep the eye
properly lubricated.
Renal Dysplasia
Renal Dysplasia is a developmental or genetic defect of the kidneys.
This makes it quite different from common forms of kidney disease which
occur in adult or aged dogs and from other diseases and/or drugs which
may cause inflammation of the kidneys and abnormal results on blood and
urine tests of kidney function.